As we move into August in Wisconsin, our roads are getting busier. Kids are enjoying their last weeks of summer, families are traveling, and teens are preparing for a new school year. With all this activity, the risks of distracted driving, especially texting and driving, are higher.
Texting while driving is highly dangerous because it distracts you visually, manually, and cognitively. Texting can delay your reaction time as much as driving at the legal alcohol limit. Drivers who text are 23 times more likely to crash, and car crashes remain the leading cause of death among teens. With more people on the roads, summer brings additional hazards. Increased traffic means more chances for accidents, and kids playing and biking can suddenly enter the roadway. Many teens are driving more frequently in the summer, and their inexperience adds to the risk.
Speeding makes texting while driving even more dangerous. Speeding reduces your control over the vehicle, requires more distance to stop, and leads to more serious injuries in crashes. Parents and guardians can model safe driving behavior by keeping their phones out of reach while driving to avoid temptation, obeying speed limits, and talking to teens about the dangers of texting and driving. Using technology such as apps that disable texting while driving can also help.
Everyone can help make our roads safer. Joining local community programs that promote safe driving, advocating for laws against distracted driving, and spreading awareness about the risks of texting and driving are all effective ways to promote a culture of safety. Remember, no text is worth risking lives. If you need to check your phone, pull over safely. Prioritizing safety can save lives.
At MacGillis Wiemer, we are committed to promoting road safety and supporting victims of car accidents. If you or a loved one has been affected by a distracted driver, contact a personal injury lawyer at 414-727-5150 for a free consultation. Let us help you get the support you need. Stay safe this summer, and remember: Your safety and the safety of others on the road are more important than any text.