Award-Winning Personal Injury Lawyers

How Skipping Medical Appointments Can Hurt an Injury Claim?

Skipping Medical Appointments

If you have been hurt due to the negligence of others, you can file for a personal injury claim. However, it is crucial to understand that personal injury claims are sensitive legal processes that depend on integrity and honesty on the part of both parties. Skipping medical appointments can significantly hurt your injury claim. This is because medical appointments following an injury are a primary factor contributing to personal injury claims. Staying consistent with treatment is crucial to support your claim. At MacGillis Wiemer, LLC, we help you understand how skipping medical appointments can hurt an injury claim. Read on. 

Process of Filling an Injury Claim to Recover Compensation

When you are injured, you have the right to file a claim to recover compensation from the party at fault. However, a legal process will follow to prove your personal injury claim by the insurance company or, essentially, the at-fault party. If you have been hurt due to another person’s negligence, MacGillis Wiemer, LLC, our Wisconsin personal injury lawyers, are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. 

Fundamentals of a Personal Injury Claim

As an injured victim, you file an injury claim with the insurance company, holding them liable for the damages caused by the part that hurt you. In this case, the insurance company will do  the following things: 

  • Investigate whether what you claim is right and whether the at-fault party caused damages. 
  • Defending their policyholder to minimize or deny compensation
  • Investigating your injuries & damages
  • Countering the percentage of fault claimed by the at-fault party 

Role of Victim in Personal Injury Claim

The process of filling an injury claim also includes determining the damage caused to you and how severely you have been hurt. To file an injury claim for compensation, you need to do the following things: 

  • Details of how and where the accident occurred 
  • How the at-fault party harmed you and the injuries sustained 
  • Forms of damage caused due to their policyholder negligence
  • Relevant evidence that supports your claim and proves the at-fault party’s negligence 

Legal proceedings can be overwhelming, and the road to recovery & compensation can be traumatic, especially if you have been severely hurt. This can lead to mistakes that could severely damage your claim or, worse, denial of compensation. Skipping medical appointments is a big no-no that you need to avoid in a personal injury claim. Missing medical appointments can significantly put your health at risk, as well as hurt your claim. Consistent medical care is essential for injury claims recovery and rehabilitation. 

Medical Appointments Support Your Injury Claim 

When you visit a doctor or undergo a medical procedure or test, it gets added to your medical records. Since you are claiming injuries, you need to prove the extent of these injuries; these medical records serve as evidence. Seeking immediate medical attention after an accident can help support your claim, showing the connection between your injuries and the event that led to the accident. Your medical record shows evidence of: 

  • The date, time, and reason for injuries
  • The diagnosis of the injuries you sustained 
  • The severity and extent of pain & suffering
  • The prognosis and how long the injuries could affect you
  • The prescribed medical plan for recovery 
  • If an impairment that could limit your ability to work 

This is why your medical records are important, and an absence of these records could hurt your claim. 

How Skipping Medical Appointments Can Hurt an Injury Claim

Skipping medical appointments can be a huge concern in case of an injury claim.  It’s crucial to understand that in an injury claim, you hold the insurance company liable in case you are injured by their policyholder. You claim compensation for the damages you sustained in the accident. So when you are hurt, you seek medical care, but if the injury is not major, you resort to home remedies to heal. And a missed medical appointment indicates your injuries are not severe. Also, skipping medical appointments can:

  • Missing Medical Appointment Could Risk Your Health: Many injured victims seek medical care initially but may not continue with treatment. Failure to follow a doctor’s treatment plan could put health at risk, restrict the pace of recovery, and make injuries worse.
  • Missing Medical Appointment Impacts Evidence for Claim: Every medical appointment serves as evidence of your injuries & suffering. Major medical procedures like surgery or physical therapy strengthen your claim and injuries caused by the at-fault party. Missing a doctor’s appointment means no further entries in your medical records, and when the insurance company reviews the records could damage your claim. The insurance company may assume your injuries are not as bad as you claim, reducing compensation or denial.
  • Missing Medical Appointment Damages Your Credibility: If you miss or discontinue treatment, it puts your health at risk and also damages your claim. The insurance company may have grounds to challenge or deny your claim, as they may argue you were not as injured as you claim or you further made your injuries worse by neglecting medical care. 

MacGillis Wiemer, LLC: Your Trusted Partner in Your Injury Claim 

At MacGillis Wiemer, LLC, our dedicated Milwaukee personal injury lawyer is here to help you seek all the damages you are entitled to. We take all the necessary steps to make a strong case and stand by your side throughout the claim. Our team ensures you avoid making any mistakes that could hurt your claim. Let us protect you—call us for a case review.